Monday, January 28, 2008

Movie Time

So I have recently attended 3 movies in theatres, and I must say, I quite enjoyed myself. I wasn't quite sure of what I should talk about, so I figured hey, why not talk about those movies!

Well the first movie I saw was One Missed Call, which I must say was a very exciting movie. There was an interesting (although highly unlikely) plot about a little girl who tortured her sister. When her mother found out, she locked her in her room and she died from an asthma attack. Apparently the little girl's ghost seeked vengeance, and started on a mass murder spree. Once her first victim had been attacked, they dialed a number on their phone and left a voicemail. When the next person gets the voicemail, its dated two days in advance, and when they listen to it they hear themselves dying. The date and time on the voicemail is the exact time of their death. In the end the main character defeats the ghost of the young girl. Or does she? NO. I was actually surprised that none of the main characters lived for once. And the ending was quite retarded, as after the girl died, she dialed a number on her phone, and it faded to black. And you heard a phone dialing. Then the credits showed up. BUMMER.

The second movie I watched was Cloverfield. Let me tell you that it is an AMAZING frickin movie! The plot takes place in New York City, during a going away party for a friend. All of a sudden the building is shaking and the lights are flickering. They all go outside to see what was up. The statue of Liberty's head flies past the crowd, and you watch the Empire State Building crumble just like the Twin Towers did back in '01. Then everybody runs inside to take cover from all the dust and the ground starts shaking as some giant entity walks slowly past. Eventually you see that the giant being is an alien looking thing with smaller aliens (that looked like spiders at first, which was quite frightening to me as I am an arachnophobic) are falling off of it and attacking all the people in sight. Pretty much the movie is about an alien attack and the army is flying citizens out by helicopter. The last chopper was set to leave at 6 am. After that, the whole city wsa to be bombed completely. I only have two complaints from the whole movie. One being the fact that the ending was a little abrupt, although it DID kind of match the movie itself. I believe that the idea to shoot the movie through the people's perspective was a wonderfully fresh idea, but they kind of ruined it with several scenes where you don't know what on earth is happening. Either way, that movie definitely receives 2 thumbs up.

The most recent movie I have seen is Meet The Spartans. It is a take-off from the movie 300 which was released last year. The main idea is that the Spartans need to battle the Persians. There were several high points of humour in this movie: Britney Spears shaved her head and breathed sexually all over her baby before being thrown into the pit of death. George W. Bush was thrown into the Pit of Death. Paris Hilton looked like Ashley Tisdale. There was a bunch of random dancing. But the best part of the entire movie HAD to be when the Persian leader found a random Transformers box and climbed into a coincidentally placed car with it. He turned into a big robot and had a screen on the front. After a moment the screen had turned on and Voila: Youtube came up on the screen. That isn't very funny... but what happened next almost made me piss my pants. Chris Crocker came on the screen under his blanket and screamed "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!" That part had me DYING! Anyways, you can tell it was made by the creators of Epic Movie because Carmen Electra was in it, looking a little aged if I may add. It makes fun of all sorts of celebrities, including Britney Spears, K-Fed, Paris Hilton, Ugly Betty, Ellen Degeneres, Ryan Seacrest, the American Idol panel, that dude from American Idol last year, and a lot of others. I definitely think Meet The Spartans deserves an A plus.

I think they should make a movie called "Meet The Hiltons", and have a story parodying the life of the beautiful heiress Paris Hilton. Maybe that will come out one of these days...

This weekend a bunch of friends and I are going to sit down for hours on end, watching horror movies galore. I know for sure that the movies will include titles such as Rose Red, IT, Pet Cemetery, The Shining, etc. Sounds like it will be fun!

Well, that's all I have today. Ttyl.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Celebritorial Destruction

Well, being my first blog to enter into an online community, I found it fitting to talk about something that has been conquering my anger for awhile now. Everybody has heard about Britney Spears being in horrible shape with her life, and yadda yadda yadda. It really pisses me off when the paparazzi leads a celebrity to madness/suicide, etc, and then blames it on the star's own personal lives and families. BULLSHIT.

Despite what some people may think, stars aren't always into being the center of attention. Every time I hear some bitch complaining "Oh, that's just Britney crying out for more attention" or whatever, it makes me want to punch them in their ignorant face. If the paparazzi would leave her alone, maybe she wouldn't have to leave the country to try and escape the media. She needs time to deal with her problems, and when she is constantly being pestered by a bunch of donkey bottom biters, she doesn't have time to think.

I truly believe.. scratch that.. I KNOW that if Britney had time to recuperate, she would be able to help herself and get her kids back and change her ways. People say she's on the same path that Anna Nicole Smith once headed down, and if you ask me, I can't blame her. She has to deal with the constant pressure brought on by the media so that they can make a few bucks off of somebody else's misfortune. It really is disgusting how far people will go to get a good story. Don't people realize why Paris, France made it illegal for the paparazzi to follow stars?

I say it is high time that the government somehow steps in and tightens their laws about what the media is allowed to do. This poor girl is lost, and has no time to find her way back to the life she is supposed to be living. The media has portrayed her as a monster. Yes, she may not be in any condition to parent at the moment, but do you think driving her insane will make that any better? It just boggles my mind as to what kind of shameless, cold-hearted being could do that to a person and feel no remorse.

So in the words of the infamous Chris Crocker, "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!"