Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Celebritorial Destruction

Well, being my first blog to enter into an online community, I found it fitting to talk about something that has been conquering my anger for awhile now. Everybody has heard about Britney Spears being in horrible shape with her life, and yadda yadda yadda. It really pisses me off when the paparazzi leads a celebrity to madness/suicide, etc, and then blames it on the star's own personal lives and families. BULLSHIT.

Despite what some people may think, stars aren't always into being the center of attention. Every time I hear some bitch complaining "Oh, that's just Britney crying out for more attention" or whatever, it makes me want to punch them in their ignorant face. If the paparazzi would leave her alone, maybe she wouldn't have to leave the country to try and escape the media. She needs time to deal with her problems, and when she is constantly being pestered by a bunch of donkey bottom biters, she doesn't have time to think.

I truly believe.. scratch that.. I KNOW that if Britney had time to recuperate, she would be able to help herself and get her kids back and change her ways. People say she's on the same path that Anna Nicole Smith once headed down, and if you ask me, I can't blame her. She has to deal with the constant pressure brought on by the media so that they can make a few bucks off of somebody else's misfortune. It really is disgusting how far people will go to get a good story. Don't people realize why Paris, France made it illegal for the paparazzi to follow stars?

I say it is high time that the government somehow steps in and tightens their laws about what the media is allowed to do. This poor girl is lost, and has no time to find her way back to the life she is supposed to be living. The media has portrayed her as a monster. Yes, she may not be in any condition to parent at the moment, but do you think driving her insane will make that any better? It just boggles my mind as to what kind of shameless, cold-hearted being could do that to a person and feel no remorse.

So in the words of the infamous Chris Crocker, "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!"

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